Praca Innovation & Applied Research Manager Warszawa, mazowieckie

Praca Innovation & Applied Research Manager Warszawa, mazowieckie

JTI Polska profil

Jesteśmy wiodącą, międzynarodową firmą tytoniową, wywodzącą się z Grupy Japan Tobacco. Działamy w 130 krajach na świecie, zatrudniamy ponad 45 tys. osób i mamy w swoim portfolio jedne z najbardziej znanych marek, w tym Camel, LD, Winston oraz Logic dostępne na polskim rynku.

W Polsce zatrudniamy prawie 3 tys. pracowników i jesteśmy trzecim graczem w branży tytoniowej. Wkraczając na polski rynek w 2007 roku, postanowiliśmy, że na pierwszym miejscu zawsze będziemy stawiać naszych pracowników. Tworzymy kulturę opartą na współpracy, dzięki czemu w naszych zespołach panuje wyjątkowa atmosfera. Szerokie zakresy odpowiedzialności dają możliwość zdobycia nowej wiedzy i umiejętności, co przekłada się na świetną jakość działania oraz szybki rozwój naszej firmy. Stosujemy także najlepsze praktyki w zakresie rozwoju talentów, wdrażania nowo zatrudnionych osób czy możliwości szkoleniowych.

Nasze starania, by być najlepszym pracodawcą dla naszych pracowników, co roku zostają doceniane przez Top Employers Institute. Najlepszym dowodem na to jest przyznawany nam nieustannie od 2010 roku certyfikat Najlepszego Pracodawcy nie tylko w Polsce, a także w Europie (1. miejsce w rankingu w 2021 roku) oraz na świecie.

Firma: JTI Polska | Innovation & Applied Research Manager

Miejsce: Warszawa, mazowieckie

Opis stanowiska

What this position is about - Purpose: 

The person who holds this position will deliver innovative solutions, strategies, processes or procedures to JTI so as to improve the overall company security posture. Basically, will be required to apply new or existing security knowledge, solution(s) and techniques to real world projects in JTI.
He/She will be responsible for evaluating project(s), resolving complex problems to address specific requirements or fix security issues, and determining improvements in security standard procedures necessary to ensure the protection of JTI as a whole.
It is required: extensive experience in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cyber Security (Application, Infrastructure and Network), Cyber Analytics, Big Data, IoT and Blockchain technologies.
Desirable: Knowledge in this industry if possible.

What will you do - Responsibilities: 

  • Developing a complete understanding of JTI’s technology and information systems.
  • Gain deep knowledge of JTI projects high and low level IT Design and Enterprise Architecture(s) to anticipate and deliver state of art solutions to fix security issues and / or secure corporate network and infrastructure assets according to necessary changes to be applied based on general corporate business strategy Plan, research and design robust security architectures for any IT project.
  • Research on new security solutions or technologies and procedures and investigation of new options to be enabled in security solutions / technologies currently used / maintained in JTI or about to be implemented / migrated to increase overall security posture in JTI.
  • Research of alternatives to current security solutions / procedures in case we need to apply exceptions in several cases for specific regions / countries based on legal or regulatory requirements, internal local procedures, etc. Assists in setting the strategic security direction and approach for utilizing new technologies.
  • Preparation of market security solution benchmarks which contain security alternatives and deployment proposals to increase the overall security and compliance of business IT technologies used and planned to be used in the near future. Clear definition of business cases in which specific solutions/security strategies or procedures need to be deployed in JTI based on JTI Global and local business and IT Strategies and JTI Security Standards.
  • Contact with third parties and security solution vendors for:
  1. Information gathering regarding interesting solutions / features deployment(s) for JTI.
  2. Business case preparation and / or solution demo preparation(s).
  3. Process and detailed application design,
  4. Requirements gathering,
  5. Solution deployment.
  • Define and arrange internal technical committees with main internal stakeholders from different teams regarding new technologies, big improvements which can have impact on different processes or projects and teams so as to follow-up on next steps, stablish synergies between different stakeholders and define baselines and standards across JTI.
  • Remaining knowledgeable on current standards and security solutions in the market, as well as laws and regulatory requirements in terms of security that apply to the assigned area of responsibility.


Who are we looking for - Requirements:

  • University degree in Computer Engineering, Information Systems, or related field or relevant experience;
  • Extensive experience in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Cyber Security (Application, Infrastructure and Network), Cyber Analytics, Big Data, IoT and Blockchain technologies, DevSecOps, Endpoint protection solutions, DLP and Data Privacy, Email protection, Network access control solutions, etc.;
  • 5 years of Technical Security management and experience in the IT environment of an international corporation;
  • Ability to understand security requirements in a business context;
  • Excellent team leadership and communication skills;
  • Fluent English written and spoken;

Informacje dodatkowe

Thank you very much for your interest in the role. You are welcome to apply. 
We will make sure every candidate will receive a reply within 2 weeks after the application deadline. 

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