Przedmioty maturalne brane pod uwagę w procesie rekrutacji na kierunek biology na poszczególnych uczelniach
Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie |
Przedmioty: The programme is addressed to candidates holding high school diploma or any other equivalent degree which entitles to undertake the Bachelor degree programme in the country where the documents were issued and offered on a fee-paying basis. Admission of candidates is based on a highest final grade in one of the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Mathematics taken in the secondary school leaving examination. |
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Uniwersytet w Siedlcach |
Przedmioty: Candidate’s final result is a sum of points obtained during secondary school final examinations in two subjects chosen from the following list: biology, chemistry, physics, geography, IT, foreign language, Polish, maths. On registering in the IRK system (the Internet Recruitment for Candidates System) the candidate indicates subjects which should be considered for calculating points. |
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