Praca RIO Process Expert Manager Warszawa, mazowieckie

Praca RIO Process Expert Manager Warszawa, mazowieckie

JTI Polska profil

Jesteśmy wiodącą, międzynarodową firmą tytoniową, wywodzącą się z Grupy Japan Tobacco. Działamy w 130 krajach na świecie, zatrudniamy ponad 45 tys. osób i mamy w swoim portfolio jedne z najbardziej znanych marek, w tym Camel, LD, Winston oraz Logic dostępne na polskim rynku.

W Polsce zatrudniamy prawie 3 tys. pracowników i jesteśmy trzecim graczem w branży tytoniowej. Wkraczając na polski rynek w 2007 roku, postanowiliśmy, że na pierwszym miejscu zawsze będziemy stawiać naszych pracowników. Tworzymy kulturę opartą na współpracy, dzięki czemu w naszych zespołach panuje wyjątkowa atmosfera. Szerokie zakresy odpowiedzialności dają możliwość zdobycia nowej wiedzy i umiejętności, co przekłada się na świetną jakość działania oraz szybki rozwój naszej firmy. Stosujemy także najlepsze praktyki w zakresie rozwoju talentów, wdrażania nowo zatrudnionych osób czy możliwości szkoleniowych.

Nasze starania, by być najlepszym pracodawcą dla naszych pracowników, co roku zostają doceniane przez Top Employers Institute. Najlepszym dowodem na to jest przyznawany nam nieustannie od 2010 roku certyfikat Najlepszego Pracodawcy nie tylko w Polsce, a także w Europie (1. miejsce w rankingu w 2021 roku) oraz na świecie.

Firma: JTI Polska | RIO Process Expert Manager

Miejsce: Warszawa, mazowieckie

Opis stanowiska


The IT Regional Integration Office is focussed on facilitating and driving synergies between all IT Teams to deliver the OneIT vision. This position is responsible for performance management of IT departments in many aspects –operations, desktop services, effective financial planning and resources (e.g. Talent, diversity and well-being). The RIO Process Expert Manager also takes care of driving the culture of the Market/Region IT organization, connecting the team, and engaging and motivating employees.

If you are looking for an opportunity to develop within the IT structure, focused on creating metrics, and implementing initiatives to drive connection between teams and develop key skills, this position is for you!


What you will do:

  • define and deliver KPIs and measures to provide visibility and drive performance (from operational/support-related KPIs for IT Management, to KPIs around Vertical Integration/Clustering and other transformation initiatives, to identifying and measuring other relevant KPIs that demonstrate the Markets/Regions' scope and performance and their contribution to JTI's 2030 goals)
  • develop programs and activities to strengthen a global connection across teams, with communications, events and other inclusive activities, leveraging modern tools and approaches
  • support development of motivated and connected teams and talent, including promoting diversity and team well-being
  • ensure smooth processes, provide visibility and develop KPIs to measure promotion and growth of talent, such as: role changes, assignments, promotions, PAs, STAs
  • support the RIO Business Expert with financial integration activities for M/F/O as required, across the various yearly budget cycles
  • support the embedding of the market clustering model to ensure its drives behaviors and efficiencies desired, and is implemented effectively
  • support the development and communication of the MRG Vision and Strategy, by delivering effective tools for collaboration for all members of the function, in Markets/Regions and Corporate IT
  • ensure visibility and appropriate planning of IT projects across Corporate IT teams to manage impact on Markets/Regions.


  • university degree
  • solid experience in IT industry, preferably in IT management
  • fluent written and spoken English
  • understanding of KPIs and how to measure performance
  • strong process management skills
  • strong financial and budgetary understanding
  • aptitude with numbers/analyses
  • good business acumen and ability to build business relationships at various levels of the organization
  • excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • able to build communications to increase contact/motivation/engagement
  • flexibility to adapt to changing business environment and priorities
  • ability to drive win-win solutions, innovate and think out of the box
  • strong problem solving-skills


  • Modern office in the Warsaw city center
  • Being a part of global team in cooperation with IT Management in Geneva
  • Driving the culture of the Market/Region IT Organization
  • Having an impact on process enhancements and being a part of IT Transformation
  • Possibility to share knowledge and implement best practices

Informacje dodatkowe

We are welcoming applications until the February 5, 2021 included.

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